quarta-feira, 27 de abril de 2011


Na última terça-feira, dia 26/04/11, o grupo de ID2 do turno da noite do PercutZ Parque dos Anjos, composto por Camila, Carlos, Danyele, Larissa, Letícia e Luis Felipe (ausente), participaram de uma atividade muito legal. O grupo foi separado em duas equipes. Cada equipe teria que começar uma estória qualquer. Após algum tempo, a teacher trocou os textos, e as equipes tiveram que finalizar os textos!
Veja abaixo o resultado destas estórias.

Estória 1 => Início: Camila, Carlos e Larissa. Final: Danyele e Letícia.

It was a rainy day when suddenly the lights went out and unexpectedly the phone rang. I was frightened. I answered the phone and said "hello"... and the strange voice said "go outside". I was affraid to go, but I went. When I turned the lights on, my boyfriend was hung on the tree. I screamed and the killer immediately showed up. I started to run but I fell and he pulled my hair and stabbed me near my shoulder. Miraculously, my father - who was a cop - got home and heard me screaming. He took his gun and could shoot the killer in the head. I passed out and woke up in the hospital. My father was there and told me that the killer was my best friend, who was in love with me, and it was written in a letter found in his pocket.

Estória 2 => Início: Danyele e Letícia. Final: Camila, Carlos e Larissa.

It was really dark when a group of teenagers were walking on the street when they saw an abandoned house, and decided to get in there to accomplish a challenge. Suddenly, they heard a noise and they found a few mice going to a room. They started following the mice and surprisingly they found a girl's body.
A few hours later...
The expert Sidney Prescott was analyzing the body when the detective Dewey Riley got into the room telling the identification of the victim: Casey Becker, who was stabbed on the chest.
Eight hours ago, Casey was ready to her graduation's party. She was wearing a pink dress that made her so beautiful. In the party, Casey found many friends but one person attracted her attention, it was Peter. He was a boy that the girls of the school never noticed because his shyness. In the prom, Peter took Casey to dance. After that, they stayed together all the night. Peter invited Casey to know a special place to him and she said "OK". When they arrived in the abandoned house, she was frightened. Suddenly, Peter became violent and stabbed her chest. Finally, he thought "She shouldn't have snobbished me for so long time!"

Parabéns aos alunos! As estórias ficaram muito legais!
Teacher Êmili 

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